Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Florida - October 21, 2012

In attendance: Astrid, Jackie, Jeff, Gloria and Santiago
Spirit 1 (via Astrid & Gloria): Astrid opened the session by describing a spirit she saw standing guard over the chair where Nelson usually sat.  She described this spirit as very tall - like Don Quixote - and he was very shiny and silver.  The spirit said, "This chair is special."  Jackie mentioned that Nelson often handled troubled spirits, so anyone who might sit in that chair may feel the impact of those difficult spirits.  Astrid saw the tall spirit as an aesthetic figure, more concerned with the creation and appreciation of  art or beauty.  She felt this spirit was a holy man, making penitence for the sins of the world.
As Astrid was describing this spirit, Gloria heard a lot of voices talking all at once.  She saw the spirit as a brother of Nelson, and then she realized that the room was filled with brothers and sisters - all speaking at once.  They were attending our session to learn, and they were laughing at us because we designated a chair as a place reserved for Nelson.  "Nothing belongs to nobody," Gloria heard one of the spirits say, "Even with only one person, you can sit and talk to us."  Gloria saw this group of siblings with their teachers acting as guides.  A member of this group said, "We will be here until this meeting is closed."
Spirit 2 (via Astrid): Astrid began to speak quietly to a spirit.  "You don't have to ask me when it is your turn," Astrid said, causing the spirit to jump into Astrid's body.  It was Maria, a spirit guide for our table and former great aunt of Astrid.  She spoke in Spanish, and wanted to bless our session, "I hope it is filled with light and harmony in the name of God." The spirit also told us that, "peace is always inside you."  As this gentle spirit faded away, she offered us comfort and blessings for a peaceful meeting, and she reminded us that we are always learning.
While Astrid was channeling the spirit of Maria, she was taken to another world, and she heard celestial music. Astrid described it as taking a trip to a place that she has always wanted to see - a second world.  The music she heard was all one long note that was very peaceful.  "Like chanting?," Jackie asked.  "Not really," Astrid replied, and she told the group that she was very content to get a glimpse of a place that she longed to see for so long.
Spirit 3 (via Jackie): Jackie saw the spirit of a woman for Gloria.  This lady was somehow connected to Puerto Rico, as she seemed to be in an older neighborhood and she looked as if she was poor.  Jackie could not see the face of this spirit, but she saw her going door to door in the neighborhood.  As she knocked on each door, the spirit would say, "Not there".
Jackie was unable to determine what or who the spirit was looking for with her search.  Was she in another time and unable to realize it?  The spirit saw herself as looking the same as she always had, but it seemed as if the people who lived in the houses had all moved on.  Jackie said the spirit was looking for a family or friends that were somehow connected to Gloria, but they all moved on.
Spirit 4 (via Astrid & Jackie): Astrid asked Jeff if Nelson mentioned anything about additional spirits of past friends hovering around.  Jeff replied that he had not, and Astrid saw a group of them dancing around Jeff.  Jackie also saw them, ready for Jeff to join their party.  She described it as Mom and Dad being away, so now it was time for Jeff to get out and party.  Astrid saw these spirits as not being sick or evil, they just wanted Jeff to join them.  Jackie heard one of them said, "When the parents are gone, the party should start."  Jeff tried to move them away by telling them that he was too tired to join the party.
Next, Jackie saw a spirit in the complex where Gloria lived.  It was a woman named Mary who lived downstairs before she passed.  Mary seemed to be busy decorating her apartment for Halloween, and Gloria confirmed that if she were still alive, that would be something Mary would enjoy.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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