Thursday, January 14, 2016

Florida - October 9, 2012

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie Jeff, Nelson and Santiago

Nelson began the session by asking Astrid if she had vistited her mother in the hospital. As promised, Astrid saw her mother and asked the questions that she and the spirit world wanted to know. Although the previous session had given Astrid some thoughts that her hospitalized mother might not be her biological mother, she left the hospital believing that she really was the daughter of her mother. Astrid vividly remembered being about two years old and saying to her mother, "I am your daughter." Nelson stated that sometimes the love of a mother comes from someone else, and wondered if this might not be the case with this situation. Gloria understood that Astrid's spiritual mother adored her, and she never saw the hospital mother as a rival - as there was no tenderness from her. Astrid confirmed that her relationship with the hospitalized mother was often strained. The group reached a consensus that the important thing was for Astrid to be at peace with the issue - regardless of what others think - and Astrid said that she was.

Nelson had two issues he wanted to address with the table. First, he wondered why things have to erupt and overflow whenever he planed to visit Puerto Rico. He felt as if everything was just waiting for him to arrive to explode. Gloria (speaking to him in Spanish) saw the island and his family as a mess, and she advised Nelson to approach the situation with a long pole to help Nelson keep his distance. Nelson agreed.  Gloria also detected some jealousy from Nelson's family, and she cautioned him to avoid situations that might cause friction. Nelson shared that he spoke with his sister recently, and he relayed the message that she needed a doctor for her worsening condition. Nelson knew he could not spiritually cross the line to help his sister with her medical issues. Jackie agreed, "If he does assist her, the punishment is not going to be pretty." Astrid realized the sister needed surgery to have her uterus removed, and the group discussed the issue.  If the procedure is not completed, Astrid explained that the sister could suffer from a disease called Endometriosis - a medical condition in which cells from the lining of the uterus appear and flourish outside of the uterine cavity. The symptoms and bleeding that she is experiencing now are often the first signals of the onset of this disease. Jackie saw the issue as "life-threatening" if it was not corrected, and Astrid advised that this hormonal issue must be dealt with as soon as possible. (Note: Nelson's sister had the operation on October 12 and she has recovered.)

The second item that Nelson wanted to address was the death on October 6th of Tito, a medium from the center in Argentina. Nelson has seen Tito's spirit twice, still sitting in the room used for sessions in Argentina waiting for someone to come in and wake him up. He is always in the same chair. Astrid believed that it will be Nelson's duty to wake Tito up when he visits again, and Gloria added that when this happens, everyone at the center will learn something from the experience. Mary, the director of the spiritualist center in Argentina had asked Nelson for a prayer at our table for Tito. Gloria and Jackie both envisioned Tito's spirit in a condition that was more material than spiritual. Nelson sighed that sometimes it might be nice to not see anything, and Astrid reminded him that "one of the jobs is to teach." Nelson was studying a spirit related to him, and he believed that this presence is what caused him to say that it might be nice not to see spirits.

Spirit 1 (via Nelson): The spirit started to bother Nelson, causing him to move uncomfortably. Both Astrid and Gloria heard this spirit challenging Nelson and threatening "to whip your ass." Gloria was shown a door closing on Nelson in Puerto Rico, and Jackie confirmed that this spirit does not want Nelson involved at all over there. Gloria sensed this spirit approaching, and she moved her fingers in a circular pattern, imitating the spirit and teasing, "You cannot catch me..."  The spirit abruptly entered Nelson:

Astrid: Why are you so angry with him?
Spirit (agitated and filled with energy): Because he sticks his nose in where it doesn't belong. He thinks he can solve their problems? I want to smack him!  He doesn't have to go there, and if they stop me, I'm gonna stop him and smack him.
Astrid: Calm down.  That is not possible, you are here with us now.
Spirit: Dead, dead, dead! That's what he thinks about - what happened to him?  He likes to talk about dead people because you people are dead - look at all of you!  Well, I am not dead - look! (The spirit began to dance around in his seat.)
Gloria: Those parties are in the past.
Spirit: Look who he (Nelson) parties with now - you, an old woman!
Jackie: You partied too much and you died.
Astrid: They are going to show you your body, and you need to leave him alone.
(The spirit stopped dancing and appeared to be looking at something unpleasant)
Jackie: They are showing you your grave.  Do you see your name on the headstone?
Gloria: Accept that you are now in the spirit world.
Spirit (uncertain):  Where are they going to take me?  No more parties?
Astrid: You will only keep the memories of the parties now.
Spirit: They are taking me away from the car I was in.  It doesn't work anymore. Look what they brought, an old horse and cart. A horse!  They say I am sick...Where will they take me?.
Gloria: You will go to a nice place to relax, where you can rest and learn.
Spirit: A hospital?  Can he (Nelson) visit me and we can be friends? But not in this way.  He is boring anyway, and I'm thirsty, so I am going to go with them.  Tell him (Nelson) that we have had lots of good times together, and I am sorry if I said anything wrong.
As this spirit left Nelson's body, he cried out, "I see you...I see you..." and he was gone.

Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide arrived through Nelson, speaking softer than usual. In Spanish, he said that Nelson thinks he can do everything and that he is invincible - and he is not. The spirit guide explained that he often has to let Nelson experience something to let him learn. Sometimes, Nelson has to hit his head against a wall to learn the lesson. The spirit guide said that we all have our own free will, but he often tries to speak to Nelson and he doesn't want to hear him. "He is hard-headed, and if he doesn't want to hear me, he won't," the spirit guide continued. "Tell him that I told him the last two times we spoke that he is to use that long stick and take caution in Puerto Rico. Without that long pole, he (Nelson) always wants to do things he cannot, and he needs to be clear with his family. He can be happy with them, but when we (the spirit world) tell him 'only up to there' he needs to listen to us." The spirit guide added that in the material world, we need to listen to our material bodies - but in the spiritual world, we cannot act or speak in the same way. We often make mistakes because we are good-hearted (like Nelson).  The spirit guide quietly stepped away, offering us his blessings. Nelson explained that he called upon his spirit guide to erase his exhaustion from passing the last spirit.

Spirits 3 & 4 (via Jackie): Jackie said that a spirit was speaking to her while Nelson's guide was with the group. This spirit wanted to let the table know that the spirit world was rigidly controlled, and the spirits can only do what is allowed. In an attempt to offer help, the mediums sometimes overextend the boundaries, and they may not be able to handle what happens next. "We will stop you however we see fit," the spirit told Jackie.  As she was explaining this, Jackie had a vision of her mother's spirit hitting Nelson on the back of his head and saying, "Listen!"

Jackie also saw Janet (the deceased best friend of Jeff's mother) standing behind Jeff. It appeared as if she was reading the notes he took. Jeff explained that Janet was in charge of typing the weekly program for her church when she was alive, so observing the notes we took at our sessions might be of interest to her.

Spirit 5 (via Gloria & Jackie): Gloria saw a male spirit standing between Jackie and Nelson.  It was the departed husband of the director from another spiritist center. Jackie said, "He has been on my mind." This spirit wanted to visit our table because when he traveled to the other center, nobody saw him to bring him through - and he feels forgotten. "It's not like when you were there," he told Jackie, "I feel lost." The spirit passed into Jackie to speak:

Spirit: The whole family is a mess.
Gloria: You need to look after yourself now.
Nelson: Don't worry about them.  The worrying over them is keeping you here on earth.
Spirit (sad and lost): Mom wants to leave, so she can be with dad, and that is not happening soon.  I go to that other place and I sit there. They ignore me. My own wife. She's not doing what she promised she would do. Gloria: She has her own free will to make decisions.
Spirit: I don't know what else to do.
Nelson: Leave it alone and take care of yourself - go get well. Once you are well, you can help your family.  You cannot continue to go to that center if they won't acknowledge you or let you in.
Gloria: You were not alone when you came here, you have those friends to help you 
Astrid: We are also your friends, and now is the time for you to go and learn more - keep on learning - and you will be able to return and help your family.
Spirit: I'm just tired.  (long pause)   There's dad, he's coming to get me. He says that I need to stop this foolishness because we've got places to go.  I know I'm dead.
Astrid: You are always welcome at our table.
Spirit: I've seen the monks protecting this place.  Is this the new place?

The spirit left with his father and the guides, and Nelson believed that he was led to our table because of something related to his son (who was still alive). Nelson was shown a large tornado, with a dark black interior picking up a lot of negative energy, and this spirit had hoped that he could stop his son from being involved. Nelson does not believe that this will happen, as he saw the son eventually landing in jail due to the choices he has made - or will make.

Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  A spirit was standing behind Nelson to speak about Gloria's son (possibly Nelson's spirit guide). Nelson advised her, "Give him hope, but he is the only one who can make that decision." Gloria explained that her son was tired. He was thinking about leaving his family behind and possibly moving away. Nelson understood that the medical issues with his Mother-in-Law were getting much worse - and if they could not be removed, they would continue. Astrid believed that there was nothing supportive for the son to hold on to anymore, and Nelson agreed. The spirit told the son not to get involved with his Mother-in-Law:

Astrid: She is the boss.
Spirit: He should not take a day off, do not go to the hospital to see her, DO NOT even take her to the hospital.
Astrid: There is the spirit of a man around her.
Gloria: It's her husband's spirit.  He is there with her.
Spirit: And he is not prepared to deal with that situation.
Astrid: But he cannot leave even if he wants to...
Spirit: There are mountains all around, and his family is in a deep hole - where water would go in to flood everything. But it is not water that this family is drowning in, and yet everyone is being buried.
Gloria: The Mother-in-Law belongs there?
Spirit: He cannot bring her out - they are all contaminated. Not even the good spirits will come close.
Jackie: It's not up to them (the good spirits) to fix it.
Spirit: They are lifting up a veil - like at a wedding. The son never saw the issues before because he never lifted up the veil to see things more clearly...Spiritually speaking, that place is a cemetery.

The group continued to discuss the issue, believing that what looks negative and bad to us is often what fuels and strengthens the energy of the those who are spiritually dirty. Gloria and Astrid had previously experienced headaches in that environment, and Nelson was shown several spirits wearing many masks - one mask on top of another - and all of the masks needed to be removed.

Spirit 7 (via Jackie):  Jackie envisioned a massive, black Egyptian guard standing behind Santiago. He was displaying a box filled with leftover remnants from the last session. Everything had been collected into this box - and the guard wanted to show this cleaning to Santiago and the group.

Jackie closed with a prayer.

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