Friday, January 1, 2016

Florida - September 11, 2012

In attendance: Astrid, Jackie Jeff, Gloria, Nelson and Santiago
This session started with Nelson saying that the spirits wanted to know how everyone was:
Gloria: Feeling fine, but I did experience an odd touch near my face during the opening prayer.
Astrid: I have a headache near the back of my neck.
Nelson reminded us that when we sit at the table in our physical bodies, we are also dealing with the spiritual entities that surround us. Gloria said that whenever we are feeling sick (materially), we should not sit at the table. Sometimes when we feel a physical pain, we are better off to sit somewhere else in the room for the session, not seated directly at the table. This allowed the spirit world to work with that individual.
Nelson asked Jackie if she ever found the object in her house mentioned by the spirit from our last session (an item about the size of a coin situated on a specific corner of a dresser in her home). Jackie spent a lot of time looking and praying, but she could not locate the object. Nelson thought the object might be something placed there by this spirit, and the spirit removed it when he saw a stranger (Jackie's temporary roommate) coming into the house. Nelson felt the presence of this aggressive spirit again, and he believed that the good spirits had been working on him to make this spirit more flexible. Nelson continued, "He couldn't say much the way he was, because he was too material, but now he knows that he does not have a body". He also previously thought that his romance with Jackie was moving forward, but he now realized that the romance he imagined was not possible.  Gloria heard this spirit when he told Jackie, "You want me and you know me". The spirit believed that Jackie really did not want him to leave.  When spirits fall in love with humans, they often want the relationship to move to the next level - which in their mind is only possible if the human dies and joins them in the spirit world.
(Read about the various stages of spiritual obsession
Spirit #1 (via Nelson): The male spirit attached to Jackie sat through Nelson to speak:
Spirit: I was welcome!  I was wanted, I was needed and appreciated!
Jackie: I really didn't know you were there.
Gloria (whispering to Jackie): He needs to hear you say that you no longer want him in your home.
Jackie: It's time for you to go.
Spirit (strong, forceful and arrogant):  Do you want me to stand up and show you that I am a big man?  I will do it.  (pause)  They are telling me I cannot.  I had to leave your house because I do not have that body I wanted any more. I am tired of feeling this way, and not being able to finish. I was led to believe that I could take her (Jackie) with me.
Jackie:  It was a task you would never be able to accomplish.
Spirit: But I know there were many days that you felt as if you did not have much time left. This happened to you because my romantic attentions were becoming stronger.  I hoped to take you with me (into the spiritual world).  But now I am very tired. Can I ask you something?  You really do not want me anymore?
Jackie: No.
Spirit: I loved you for so long and I am sorry I harmed you.  I am going to tell you my name, and it is a name that you have always known and liked - Mauricio.
The spirit (and Nelson, as he was speaking through him) were both exhausted. As the spirit spoke, we noticed his energy slowly draining. Nelson collapsed on the table in a deep state of sleeping once he left. Gloria and Astrid immediately noticed the good spirits surrounding Nelson, and they were attempting to remove the physical exhaustion and residue from this spirit. Nelson's body was ice cold, and Gloria, Jackie and Astrid began to administer "passes" and prayers on his behalf.
(Read more about spiritual passes in the next post.  The passes are spiritual transfer of energy - as demonstrated in the flow chart below)

As Nelson awoke, Astrid realized that the spirit of Mauricio died of a heart attack. Nelson said it was a broken heart, and that this spirit was so powerful - and extremely successful at stealing energy - that he had the ability to take over a human body if he wanted.
Spirit #2 (via Nelson): Nelson's spiritual guide arrived to finish restoring the energy that the last spirit had stolen. "What a chicken you are," his guide chided him. His guide explained that our group had more work to do, and that one day, we would be surprised to learn how much the spiritual world had in store for us. Nelson's guide said that he completely understood when Nelson was worried about what other people thought of him when he was passing a spirit.
Santiago appeared to have fallen asleep at the table, or else he was in a deep concentration. Perhaps the spirit calling himself "Mauricio" had also taken some energy away from Santiago? Jackie asked Santiago how he was feeling, and he stated that he was fine. "Don't allow him to do what he should not be doing," Jackie cautioned him.  Nelson added that Santiago might dislike the idea of feeling useless, but every recovery takes time.
Spirit #3 (via Nelson): Nelson started communicating with a spirit for Gloria.  Although Nelson trusted his spiritual guide completely with the spirits he brought to our table, Nelson had a qualifying process in which he mentally asked the spirit for some basic information (who he was, why he wanted to sit, etc.)  The spirit for Gloria spoke from a position behind Nelson:  You are going to be experiencing some changes," he told Gloria, "but don't be afraid, as these will be for the better." Nelson believed that this spirit had been dormant for a long time, hiding in the background behind Gloria's main spirit guide, who was a Native American Indian. Nelson encouraged Gloria not to ignore this good, very gentle spirit in the background, as he needed to be recognized and validated. The spirit explained that there were some things that Gloria's Indian guide could not do. The other Indian spirit guide was more material, and this new spirit was at a higher level. Gloria understood. The spirit told the group that next time, he would sit through Nelson - and then, like a soft, slow breeze - he arrived to sit. His message was calming and brief. He told Gloria: "We need you to be prepared for what needs to be done." He told our group to start preparing ourselves for what was to come, and that we should remain respectful and reverent at the table. As the spirit spoke, he was also quietly finishing the revitalization of Nelson's physical body from the previous "Mauricio" spirit. The spirit left as quietly as he arrived.
Spirit #4 (via Jackie): Jackie said that while the spirit guide for Gloria was speaking, she noticed the back door had opened, and a female spirit with eight other spirits had tiptoed into the room to observe our session. It appeared as if the female spirit was part of a learning/teaching capacity, and it was her job to bring other spirits in to see how things worked within a session. They remained off to the side, silently observing.
Spirit #5 (via Astrid): Astrid was shown a tall female spirit standing near Jeff. She was very pale, with a round face. She appeared to be slightly chubby, and she was wearing a large, elegant hat from another century. "I am here, " she proclaimed. Astrid thought she might be from somewhere in England in the 17th or 18th century, and she presented herself as a grandmother figure. Next, Astrid envisioned Jeff standing near the bed of this woman as she was dying in her previous life. Nelson felt that her death was not a casualty, it was a natural progression. He believed that the woman was speaking Spanish, and he agreed with Astrid that this woman was very pale and quite ill. Astrid smelled scented clothing around this spirit, a combination of roses and thick, old wool blankets. The spirit passed into Astrid:
Spirit:  I do not like that lady (referring to Jeff's current mother).  I am an educated, upper class person, and she is nothing at all like me.  She stole what I was supposed to have.  I am his mother.
Jackie: That was in the past, in another time. 
Spirit (looking at Jeff): Do not worry too much my son, as I am always around to protect you.
The spirit faded, and Astrid said that Jeff's physical appearance was very similar to this spirit. Gloria was also shown the female spirit, and she saw her surrounded by an aristocratic environment. Gloria determined that this place was Salamanca (in Spain) and she saw horses grazing peacefully on a large estate.  There was a university campus with beautiful buildings nearby. Gloria confirmed that Jeff was "sold" to this spiritual mother by his current mother, because money had always been important to her. The spirit advised Jeff not to "take it personally" and told him to keep treating her as he was taught in his previous life. Astrid believed that this spirit was ready to reincarnate, and her message today was her last stop before the process would begin.
Spirit #6 (via Jackie): Jackie asked about any potential disagreements within Nelson's family. She felt the presence of Nelson's deceased uncle (Luis) and he thought that the root of many of the family arguments was envy. "To hell with the whole bunch," was his attitude. Nelson understood, and said that he was already aware of the situation.
Spirit #7 (via Gloria): Gloria saw Jackie's mom in a library setting, and Jackie confirmed that her mom was an avid reader. Gloria described this spirit as writing a letter to Jackie, filled with things that she needed to tell her. This spirit said she was doing well as she quietly departed.
Nelson wanted to let any lost spirits from the incidents of September 11 to know that if they needed to speak, our table was always open for them. Nelson was shown that our world had a ball of darkness around it, and he wanted the restless, ungrounded spirits to know that if they needed help to move on, they were not alone. Astrid said, "The universe is experiencing what it deserves". She felt the presence of a female spirit, and she thought it might have been a servant who was once related to Nelson's father. This spirit explained, "The earth is undergoing what happens when humans don't pay attention."
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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