Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Florida - September 19, 2012

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie Jeff, Nelson, Pam and Santiago
Nelson opened the session by asking Jackie how she was feeling (in regards to the last session and the spirit named Mauricio who promised to move away from her home). She responded that she was doing much better, and Nelson said her progress validated our work at the table.  It was similar to playing a game or watching sports - there was a reaction for every action taken.
Gloria felt spirits around Santiago, giving him shots in his arm to put him asleep, and Nelson confirmed that he felt these spirits were drawing closer to Santiago. All of the mediums sensed the presence of many spirits in the room - some wanting to communicate and others just watching the group as we worked.
Nelson spoke about a spirit he encountered earlier in the day as he was preparing for the session. This spirit wanted Nelson to ask Jeff if his mother ever had an abortion. The spirit seemed pleasant enough when Nelson sensed him earlier, but now...not so much. Nelson said the spirit was asking, "Why did they bring me here?"  Astrid confirmed that the spirit was starting to show himself.
Spirit 1 (via Astrid): A spirit named Maria passed through Astrid and spoke in Spanish. This positive, kind spirit wanted to offer blessings for our group for what we were about to experience.  The spirit of Maria explained that the male spirit Nelson had felt earlier had been circling the earth, "looking for excuses to do harm."  He was brought to our table today because he was finally ready to speak.
As the spirit of Maria faded from Astrid, Nelson heard noises from many spirits all trying to communicate at the same time. Nelson asked them,"Who is going to be first?"  Astrid told the spirits that not all of them would be able to be served today, and Gloria added that even if they could not speak, they could watch and learn from what they observed.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): The male spirit that Nelson spoke of earlier passed into his body and began talking about "things that repeat."  He was referring to patterns or habits (like eating at certain times in our material world), and he wanted our table to know that patterns or repeated behaviors were also possible in the spiritual world:

Spirit (strong and angry: I caused one accident (the death of Jeff's younger brother at age 17) and I am very capable of causing another one!
Astrid; Maybe you just put everyone into position for it to happen.
Spirit: No!  He (Jeff) has the life I was entitled to, and I want him to suffer.  I want him (Nelson) to suffer, too.
Jackie: Why do you want them to suffer?
Spirit: I was coming back, (preparing to reincarnate) almost 60 years ago, and I was denied!  I was robbed of a life (by Jeff's mother terminating her pregnancy), but she let him come.  (Note: This spirit would have been an older brother for Jeff)
Astrid: You should know better.  You cannot cause the type of harm you wanted (another car accident) because it is against the spiritual laws.
Spirit: But I almost had them!  (referring to the near-miss car accident that Jeff and Nelson experienced a day earlier)  Leave me alone!  I hate him.
Gloria: We are hear to help you, tell us what you want to say.
Spirit (for Jeff, about his mother): She doesn't love or want you. She would have been very happy having all the money to herself.  Do you know how much I have suffered? Do you know how long I have been here? 
Gloria: Listen to the good spirits around you.  Nothing belongs to anyone.
Astrid said that the spirit of Jeff's younger brother had brought this spirit to us, as she saw the younger brother standing next to the spirit at our table. The spirit started to talk about the car accident he believed he caused, stating, "I could do that again."
Jackie: Causing a similar accident would result in you being in the same place where you are now, and you would be even more miserable.
Spirit: What are they (the good spirits) doing?  They are taking my power away.
Jackie: All that time spent hating and wanting revenge only brought you pain.  No powers. 
Spirit: They are taking all of my bandages away, so  I can see myself clearly for the first time. (very long pause)  I see what I really am - dead.
This sprit was one of many aborted children trapped in a pond of filth and mud. The mediums could smell the foul odors and sense the desperation of the souls mired in the muddy pond.
Gloria: None of you belong there, take them with you.
Spirit: This was all caused by that same lady.
Gloria: You have to learn and progress now - and be good.
A slow realization came over the spirit and he started to cry. "I have to ask for forgiveness," he said (referring to Nelson), "He only showed me love, and not hate." There were more tears as the spirit realized what he had done. Gloria told him, "You are going to be fine now, and it is good that you are sorry."  The spirit said that he was taking all his brothers with him and he now loved everyone who listened and offered him help:
Spirit: I no longer envy him (Jeff) for having the life I was was denied.  We are both your brothers (this spirit and the spirit of Jeff's younger brother), and we both love you.  They are taking the bandages and the smell away.  They are telling me that I am not in any condition for the hospital yet, but we are leaving for another place. There are me and four more.  Five brothers. Five. Five. There are five of us. I'm sorry.  But not to that lady. I cannot forgive her. She feels us around her sometimes and she thinks, 'Hmmm, the wind sure is strong today.'
It appeared as if this spirit would become angry again when his thoughts returned to Jeff's mother, and prayers were offered by all of the mediums. It took quite a while for this spirit to fully pass from Nelson.  Astrid said it was because this spirit was very low to earth, with energy that hits as hard as a baseball bat. "He wanted to break Nelson's neck," Gloria said. All of the mediums said they smelled a rotten stench while the spirit sat, with everything smelling of decomposed human flesh. Astrid reminded the group that this existence was a form of punishment chosen by this spirit, and Jackie added, "Misery loves company".
Spirit # 3 (via Gloria, Astrid & Nelson): The mediums sensed several spirits around Santiago, and he had fallen into a light sleep. Gloria said the spirits were showing her a mummy and they wanted Santiago to be asleep permanently. "Santiago is numb," Nelson said, "He was buried alive with other mummies from his past life, and he knows this, and now he feels these spirits around him."  Both Pam and Astrid urged Santiago to free himself from his past existence, so he could live his current life. Astrid saw three mummies standing behind Santiago, forcing him to sleep. Pam explained that her father lived a prior life (as an Egyptian Pharaoh), thousands of years ago before his incarnation into his current life.
Gloria started speaking directly to Santiago in Spanish. She explained that when he was sleeping, Santiago's spirit goes to these Egyptian spirits - which is why he often felt tired and needed a nap during the day. Santiago often allowed this to happen (unconsciously in his sleep and consciously when he tried to reason with the spirits through prayer).  Nelson said the spirits were showing Santiago a beautiful past experience, making his past life seem much better in Santiago's mind, when in reality, it was not.  Pam explained that as a former leader, the spirits still wanted Santiago to be treated with respect.
The spirits demanded a private session for Santiago, and they wondered why he was being discussed in such a public manner. Astrid said that as Santiago gets older, he became closer to the spirits involved with this former life. Gloria said that when Santiago awakes from his sleep in this life, he often feels the past life spirits around him. Astrid saw Santiago as a mummy in his previous life, with jackals (Egyptians dressed in costumes) around him to take care of his every need. Gloria cautioned Santiago that he needed to progress and forget the past, and Santiago said that he has felt this way ever since he received a similar message at a session at another center.  The mediums began to believe that in his previous life, Santiago may have been buried alive.
Astrid stressed that Santiago needed to be stronger in resisting these spirits, and Gloria recommended that when Santiago becomes aware of these spirits, he should try to get away and stay awake. "His subconscious mind wants to connect to his past life while he sleeps," Pam said.  Nelson added, "His fantastic world of the previous life is more attractive than his current life, which at times seems more difficult."  Nelson also stated that Santiago was "afraid of dying," and it gave these spirits more power over him, as they seemed to be offering an easy transition to his past glory.  Pam mentioned how difficult it was for Santiago when Astrid (his wife) was injured, and both Gloria and Pam noticed a fearful change in Santiago when Astrid was recovering.  "It was shocking for everyone to see Astrid in that condition," Gloria said. Nelson understood that at that time, Santiago must have felt like he was dying - and yet he did not - and that his current situation was very similar, with feelings that he is being prepped for death when he is not.
Gloria took a bell from the table and rang it. Speaking to the spirits, she said, "You have been here a long time, and it is time to go." Astrid added, "If we don't fight this, it will keep happening," and Nelson explained that we needed Santiago's help to resolve the issue. Nelson suggested that Santiago choose a regular bedtime (like 11 PM) to fall asleep, so he would not be awake so late - slowly becoming more susceptible to these spirits. Gloria envisioned Santiago in a space like a tomb, with no windows, and she thought that the spirits might see his bedroom as a windowless tomb late at night, when everything was closed. Astrid said, "Santiago often lives in the bedroom as if it were a tomb," and Nelson added that his physical body would continue to deteriorate from not sleeping well. "You need to let these spirits know that they are not in control," Nelson urged, and Gloria added "You already know all of them."  Jackie said that this group of spirits wanted to bring Santiago back with them.
Gloria told Santiago that his good spirit guides were always with him to take care of him, and that things in this life that made him to worry were not his fault. Santiago felt guilty, and he and Astrid discussed the issue in Spanish. Astrid said that they had planned to do more once Santiago retired, and now that was not happening. Gloria joined the discussion in Spanish, and her Native American Indian spirit guide wanted Santiago to know that only he had the ability to take control over his life.  He had his free will in this life.
Santiago began to speak in Spanish, and Nelson started to jerk and move in an uncomfortable manner. Nelson loudly clapped his hands and implored the spirits to leave. Both Nelson and Santiago stood up, as the other mediums prayed around them. Nelson appeared to be in great physical pain as he took Santiago's hands and spoke continuously to him in Spanish. In a strong voice, he asked for Santiago's name in this life and once he heard it, he shouted, "Proxima!" (next). Equally exhausted, both of them returned to their seats.
Nelson said that he remembered nothing after touching Santiago's hands, but the Egyptian spirit was still with him,  He might be able to sit in a future session. Nelson told Santiago that when he feels physically hot with heat, it was because this spirit was around him. Another spirit arrived to help Nelson recover, and this spirit said that he was with our table to protect Nelson and remain with Santiago to give him strength. Other spirits were showing Jackie a vision of the sky and the pyramids, and Jackie described the sensation as "pure energy." The spirits told her, "We are the guardians and we will be there."  Nelson realized that a special session for Santiago was not needed, as the next session will be enough. Nelson also said that the spirits always needed an appointment to get through the door into our sessions.
The mediums wanted to stress to Santiago that nothing said about him today should be taken personally. The messages were intended for the spirits who were around him that were still bound to earth. These spirits were so materialized that they could only hear and understand human to human conversations - not spiritually based communication.  "Humans are not prepared to hear spirits speak to each other spirit to spirit," Nelson explained, "because of the higher energy level." Jackie said "We couldn't handle the energy they would bring," and Nelson added, "How little we know." Nelson also urged Santiago to call on his spirit guides. "You are not alone, call on your mom or dad or the good spirit guides to help you out if you need it."  It was important for Santiago to make an effort to meet these good spirits halfway, to show them that he was making an attempt to improve.
Spirit # 4 (via Nelson): Nelson felt a female spirit related to Santiago and Gloria who wanted to offer words of encouragement. "How sad that I cannot give you a material hug," the spirit said, "because I would give you one everyday."  Gloria and Santiago realized that this spirit was a departed great aunt and said she was a very loving, sweet person. The spirit told our table:  "Your religions often promote killing instead of love, and that in the spirit world, where spirits communicate telepathically among themselves, we only express a message of "true love" to one another. I know I am a spirit, and it is occasionally my job to guard the door at your sessions. I will tell you how I died. My pneumonia caused me to stop breathing." It was ironic that a spirit who died from a lack of breath was able to breathe a breath of fresh air into our session.
Spirit # 5 (via Jackie): Jackie asked Gloria if she had encountered the spirit of her male neighbor again.  She was shown that his spirit was still standing outside of Gloria's door.  He was asking her to open the door for him. Gloria said she prayed for him and read to him, and she stressed that it was time for him to leave the complex. Jackie said that maybe he wanted to tell Gloria that he was ready to leave and he wanted to say goodbye to her.
Nelson asked Pam if she learned anything from the session today. "I really haven't thought about it," she replied. Pam said she wanted to attend to support and protect her dad. Gloria saw a spirit next to Pam who was laughing.  The spirit said, "She knows everything already."  Nelson asked Pam, "Would you be okay your dad was gone?"  Pam said she would not, but added that she has learned to come to terms with every loss. Nelson cautioned her not to wait too long to show her love for her dad. "We think that we have lots of time, but no," he said, "so do what you want to do."  He urged her to kiss him for no reason, playfully stroke his hair - whatever - because these things helped keep Santiago motivated to stay in this life.
Astrid saw the table covered with scorpions from the desert. The mediums believed that it was related to next weeks session, as scorpions were common in the Egyptian desert. Gloria urged her brother to "enjoy every day" and "live that moment" as we can never go back and relive a missed opportunity. She stressed that it is important to show the spirits that Santiago is loved in this life as much as he was in his prior lives.
The session concluded with two requests. Pam asked the group to pray for a friend named Nadine. Jackie read a specific prayer for Nadine's situation and our group prayed along with her.  Gloria asked the group to think about spiritual learning opportunities for her grandson, as he expressed a desire to learn more. Gloria and Nelson had recently noticed the spirit of a woman with her hair wrapped around the neck of the grandson, as if this spirit was trying to keep him all to herself.  Nelson advised the grandson to read or view the movie of Nosso Lar ("Our Home" in English.  Written in 1943, the book tells the story of Andre Luiz, a doctor from Rio de Janeiro.  After dying, Andre does not encounter the heaven or hell depicted in his Catholic upbringing.  He initially endures a period in the umbral, a region where less than perfect souls face the consequences of their actions while alive.  After a while, Andre encounters his spirit guide, and he is taken to Nosso Lar, a spirit colony where Andre becomes acquainted with the afterlife and reincarnation. 
The book is free to read:
And the movie may be viewed for free (in Portuguese, with English subtitles):
Jackie closed the session with a prayer.

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