Friday, December 25, 2015

Florida - Tuesday, July 3, 2012

In attendance: Astrid, Jackie Jeff, Gloria, Nelson, Pam and Santiago

The session began with Nelson asking all of the mediums how they were feeling:
Jackie: "I'm a wreck."
Gloria: "Not good, I was really sick earlier."
Astrid: "Very good, and happy."
Nelson: "Feeling fine until this morning."
We need to keep working as a group without fail - some of the events and circumstances from earlier in the day were a spiritual test of faith. Astrid said that as she was preparing the table, she felt a spiritual presence telling her that our meeting would be positive.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A spirit guide seemed to be coming through Nelson for Santiago in Spanish. The spirit asked Santiago why he seemed to have "given up" on life in general and Santiago replied that he gave up a long time ago. He had days when he felt like going to sleep and not waking up. There were other days where he accomplished nothing. The spirit guide said that Nelson and Santiago would put mentally put their minds together, "friend to friend". Astrid provided a cup of water that was magnetized to provide life into Santiago's body. As the water was given to Santiago and he touched Nelson, a very aggressive spirit jumped into Nelson, causing him to double over in pain. This bitter spirit had to be pressured into sitting, and he was very hateful. In Spanish he wailed, "My work was terminated!"  When he spotted Gloria, he told her to "present herself properly" to him or he would upend our table. Gloria spoke calmly and directly to the spirit.  This spirit did not want the three mediums (Astrid, Gloria or Nelson) to help or offer any support to each other. The spirit said he had assembled his own group of spiritual monks, Indians and dancing girls to defeat them. Gloria softly told the spirit to repent and progress spiritually. The spirit laughed at her and said, "I almost killed that witch". We were unable to transition him, as he was too irritated with our group to sit through one of the mediums.  The spirit departed in anger, insisting that he was not sorry for the physical pain (nausea, stomach problems, etc.) that he caused for everyone before they arrived at the session, and he wished that he could have finished that job. Pam referred to him as a "spiritual vampire" who wanted to suck the energy from our group.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  A much more pleasant female spirit arrived immediately after the first spirit had departed.  She sat through Nelson with a message for Santiago (again, in Spanish). This spirit urged him to learn and listen, and said that he "was not alone," as he was surrounded by love and friendship if he would only "cleanse his heart". The spirit told Santiago to ask for whatever he needed, but to have enough faith to be ready to receive it.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  After a brief discussion, a male spirit arrived.  He wanted Santiago and Astrid to hug as a way to renew their marriage vows and to realize that they were "united in a marriage with much light". This spirit explained that spiritually and materially, it was not easy for Astrid and Santiago to get together, as there were many things that both of them had to learn before they were ready to meet. The spirit also said that Pam (their daughter) had to learn and endure before she was finally able to know the love of a father (Santiago). Gloria spiritually connected to Nelson, and she was shown the same spiritual images that he was seeing.  Pam had a biological father who brought her into this world, but Santiago was the father who really loved her. It had to be done in this manner for her to fully appreciate Santiago's love - and she should never take her father for granted. When this happens, Nelson explained, spirits cried. Santiago provided the love that Patty's biological father could have never given her, and these two very different examples of fatherly love had to happen for Pam to learn the difference. And now the love between Santiago and Pam also had the spirits crying again - with joy.
The same spirit continued to speak through Nelson and Marian. The relationship between Pam and her sister Anna was decided between the two of them in the spirit world long before they arrived in the material world. Both sisters needed to open their hearts and minds to be happy:
Spirit (through Nelson): Don't blame others, blame yourselves. It is okay not to know something, as it opens the mind to an understanding of the heart.  It is time to open those doors that have been closed too long, as those are doors of love.
Spirit (through Gloria): It's time.
Astrid said she fully understood this message for her daughters. The spirit said that there would be more information later.  We often have to "cry before we laugh," and intervals between information helps us to process the information thoughtfully.  This spirit has been around Pam (and others involved with her) for a long time, and the spirit has witnessed too many tears. When those humans cry, this spirit cried, and crying is all that this spirit was able to understand. As the spirit left, he realized that he was finally heading to a school to learn how to laugh at last. "There are nine of us, and they are sending us to the school of the clowns," he mused.
Spirit 4 (via Jackie):  As the spirit faded away, a new spirit sat through Jackie and she envisioned Janet (the best friend of Jeff's mother since second grade) standing right behind Jeff's seat. "She is here to say goodbye", Jackie explained, "She is ready and now she has the freedom to go." (Note: Janet passed away six days later, on July 8th at 8:20 AM, in her home with Jeff's mom at her side.)
Spirit 5 (via Astrid): The next spirit sat through Astrid, but Nelson and Gloria also felt the presence. The message was was for Jackie. The spirit explained that a broom cleaning was not going to be enough, the issue Jackie was facing was similar to a crack in the roof. At first, only a drop of rain comes in, but left untreated, the crack would grow until there was an unstoppable deluge of rain:
Jackie: How can I fix this?
Spirit: The rain or flood  ahead is not material,. We bring rain on ourselves.  Those little drops of rain can accumulate into a flood. Changes are sometimes not good, as every human who enters our life brings spirits with them who could be disruptive or harmful.
Gloria:  We need to use our "spiritual eyeglasses" to see. Jackie is not seeing what she should be seeing now. We are always learning, but we cannot handle everything by ourselves.
Nelson saw the spirit carrying a large sack of burdens (like a Santa at Christmas) and he cautioned Jackie not to let the bag blow up before she asked for help. "The lessons given should be kept to yourself, there is no need to spray them into the air," Nelson continued, "Confusion may be all around, but she (Jackie) cannot be involved in the drama. Cut the sources coming in."
Spirit 6 (via Gloria & Nelson):  As the spirit departed, Gloria began to study a new spirit.  Jackie's mom was in the spirit world, but it was not her.  Gloria felt that this spirit was a spiritual friend who was once related to Jackie's mom. This spirit was certain that Jackie could do what the previous spirit had asked, and she wanted to offer her encouragement. Nelson was told that Jackie's house was a "center for phones". The spirit told Jackie to avoid personal bias, and not to jumble stories (from one caller to another) to a point where they were almost unrecognizable. As with the example of the roof and the rain (where one drop becomes a flood), conversations can create an unmanageable deluge . There was a female trying to pull Jackie in for all the wrong reasons. Jackie thought it might be the director of another spiritual center, because this person had been hoping that our mediums would return to her center. The spirit said that while others may think that Jackie will return, "it is desperation on their part, and there should be no change."  Nelson saw a welcoming party for Jackie at the previous center, but the party had so many bad spirits in it, there wasn't any room for good spirits.  None of them were in attendance or even nearby. Gloria saw Jackie crawling into the party as "lives were falling apart" all around her. There are always some things we should not know (even if we are curious), and it was recommended that Jackie maintain her friendships, but she should push away slowly from them in a friendly manner.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson): A spirit guide for the table sat through Nelson and said, "How nice it is when everything is different. Get used to it". This spirit said there would be much more to come, as our table, "has not seen anything yet."  Although Nelson realized it was his spirit guide, the rest of the table was not yet able to recognize him.
Spirit 8 (via Jackie):  Jackie saw Astrid in an apron, but it was not because she was ready to cook something. The apron was in place so that Astrid would not get dirty, and Jackie cautioned that she "might need to get dirty, but the apron would offer some protection." 
Nelson had a final request for the group regarding his niece. He realized that her spiritual progress would be a marathon, not a fast sprint. She needed to understand that nothing of value was ever easy. Her mentality was not well, as she was searching for her identity, but she did not know how to get away and become independent. The group offered some ideas, and Astrid reminded us, "Some things have to happen and they cannot be fixed."

Jackie closed with a prayer.

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