Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Florida - Friday, July 8, 2012

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie Jeff, Nelson and Santiago

This session appeared to have started early, in the car on the way to Astrid and Santiago's home. Nelson felt a strong presence coming over him and it appeared to be related to his father. After we arrived and everyone was seated at the table, a spirit sat through Astrid (in Spanish) offering the group protection and a blessing for what was coming next.
Astrid saw a spirit standing behind Nelson who was dressed in a very old medieval tunic - from the middle ages perhaps - and this spirit was missing his head. The color of the tunic was very black and shiny, like the tar on a roadway, and his spiritual presence was very heavy. The spirit described the condition of his clothing as, "the ooze of the earth."  This spirit seemed to be so old that he was unable to fully convert himself into a human form or image that the mediums could recognize. As the spirit arrived through Nelson, three things became apparent:
- this spirit was very tall and very strong
- the spirit was upset and angry
- Nelson's grandmother (on his father's side) brought this spirit and his friends to the table after Nelson promised them in the car that they would have a voice at our session

Spirit 1 (via Nelson): The spirit explained that he and the others with him had spent a long time waiting.  Earlier in the week, Nelson's father described a sensation as if he had been slapped in the face by a strong force.  The spirit explained that his group united their hands to smack him, because these spirits "wanted to hit him so he will fly away". These spirits were former soldiers who served with Nelson's father. Nelson's father had made a promise to them to help them and keep the memory of their battles alive, and now the spirits believed that he did not keep this promise for some reason - so they wanted him to die and join them. The spirit speaking through Nelson told our table that he was fearful of going where the good spirits wanted to take him, so he and his soldiers were unable move on. They were stuck.  The spirit described himself as crying on the inside, even though he would never allow anyone to see him shed any tears on the outside. This interior pain resulted in the forceful "slap" that Nelson's father experienced. It was stopped by Nelson's grandmother when she took the spirits away from her son.

"We are together," the spirit explained, and he reiterated that Nelson's father had not kept his promises. The spirit of Nelson's grandmother showed this spirit his body, and the spirit was shocked.  "I am not alive?"  As the spirit slowly realized his current state, the grandmother spirit explained that she would take him and the others to a hospital that could provide help and hope. The spirit realized that this medical help was essential for him and his men because, "When the bombs exploded, we lost our heads, arms, and many other parts."  Some of his anger faded, and the spirit had a request:  "Tell that man not to forget the soldiers. When you forget the soldiers, you forget the power we have." The spirit explained that he and his men were a unit of 335 soldiers but the group of spirits he brought to our table was only 325 soldiers.

(Note: In a phone call after the session, Nelson's father offered more clarification. His battalion in the Korean war was composed of three sections or companies - A, B and C - and these three groups contained the 335 soldiers. Nelson's father estimated that about ten of these men were still alive, which is why there were 325 spirits at our table instead of 335 spirits.)

The soldier and his companions were ready to leave.  The spirit thanked Nelson's grandmother for bringing them some closure, and he also asked Nelson to forgive him for hitting him hard in the car as he was nearing the house. The spirit felt more educated and invigorated as he left with Nelson's grandmother.

Spirit 2 (via Nelson): The spirit of Nelson's grandmother arrived to replace the soldier. She said, "I want to use my grandson to say a few words."  She apologized for not being able to speak in English. Nelson later said that her presence was very petite and small, like a tiny mosquito. She said that it was very emotional for her to see Nelson continuing her labors in spiritualism and it demonstrated to her that, " the circle was complete."  Nelson's grandmother reminded us that in the spirit world, as with the material world; there were supervisors telling the spirits what to do, and spirits could not do any more than what was allowed. She mentioned her oldest son (Nelson's uncle).  He was in the spirit world now, while her two other sons (Nelson's father and his other uncle) were still in the material world. She said, "The two worlds are together, but separated. Never forget that we are responsible for the promises we made in the spirit world." She also said that the spiritual world needed the material world, as there were not many places for the spirits to work as they are able to do within our group. As she departed, she explained that names are not really important in the spirit world, but they seemed to matter in our world, so she gave us her name (Filomena Cestaris).

(Note: Communication between the spiritual world and the material world happens all the time.  Some people barely sense what the spirits tell them, and they are often not aware about their influence. Mediums have highly developed natural abilities, and they are able to communicate with spirits and interact with them.  To read more, please reference The Book of Mediums Chapters X to XIII The Book on Mediums - (PDFSome spirits give their name as a verification method for the participants.)

Spirit 3 (via Jackie): Jackie felt a presence related to Nelson's power washing and cleaning of his house in Chicago. The reason for the contractors not showing up to complete the work was that the spirit world was waiting for Nelson to arrive and clean. The power washing was a symbol that the house needed cleansing, as it was being prepared for a "new chapter." One of the spirits who often seemed to be watching over the house (a deceased former client) said the house would soon have a new purpose. He hinted that maybe a spiritualist group might be formed, and they would meet in the Chicago house.

Spirit 4 (via Astrid): The next spirit was channeled by Astrid. This spirit looked directly at Jeff and said, "You are my son.  That woman is not your mother. I fed you, I carried you, and seeing you with her is not what I wanted". With some questioning, the table determined that this spirit was a former mother to Jeff in a previous reincarnation. The spirit said that Jeff smelled like her son, but he was no longer her baby - he had a new body. "This is also not my land," the spirit explained, "but I am here because I am the one who loves you." The group asked the spirit if she was the one who put negative feelings into Jeff's current mother, and she acknowledged that she had, but only to protect Jeff:  "He was the only thing that was mine. She does not love him, because he is mine."  This spirit said that she also encouraged the husband of Jeff's current mom into divorce. She wanted Jeff to be prepared to be her child again, as the spirit world "always had a second reason for doing things and we will be together again."  Astrid felt very cold, and she wondered if it was related to the location of this spirit or maybe the way in which she died. As the spirit departed from our table, she explained that in the next reincarnation, the combination might be different - with this spirit as Jeff's mom and the spirit of his current mom as the father - and Jeff as a little girl.

Spirit 5 (via Nelson): Nelson had a message for Gloria in Spanish and English. She should not get involved with the mother of her son's wife. The spirit said, "For some things, we cannot go back, as things are already in place to move forward. Some of those things she has are spiritual, and some of them are material. Whatever is there, it's already in place, and it needs to stay there and it should not be disturbed."  Gloria agreed.

Spirit 6 (via Astrid): A spirit moved into Astrid (she spoke in Spanish) to continue the conversation. This spirit was the mother of Gloria and Santiago. She said that we needed to continue to study and learn, and the result would be gifts for everyone (meaning gifts of enlightenment). This spirit was thrilled to see Santiago and Gloria again, and both of them moved closer to Astrid to feel the energy. Once this spirit left, Nelson told Gloria that her son had been hoping she would become involved with his mother-in-law, but the spirit world was saying, "No. No. No." There was a spirit in pain attached to Gloria, trying to take the energy it needed from her. Jackie described it as a "spiritual vampire," and Nelson said the spirit was surrounded by a "pot full of poison."  Both Nelson and Astrid stood up to surround Gloria to remove this presence.

Spirit 7 (via Nelson): Nelson felt the presence of a spirit who asked Jackie, "Why were you keeping that man in your house?"  The spirit was referring to a roommate who had recently moved out. This spirit was in love with Jackie, and he patiently sat in a corner, watching her constantly in the house. He waited for her to return whenever she was out, and he was very angry when the new male roommate moved in. "With me, things were not like that," he said, "She belongs only to me."  This spirit described how he often "made love" to Jackie in bed, and he said that he was always lying right beside her. He believed that he was alive, and he knew that Jackie felt his presence, because she often moved away whenever he overwhelmed her. Jackie agreed, and she explained that her bed vibrated with the movements of this spirit, and that she removed a foam padding from the mattress when she noticed an indentation of an additional body in it. The spirit did not want any changes in Jackie's household.  She was making meals that smelled different, and he demanded to know, "Why are you cooking that, and what you are cooking?"  He was also upset because Jackie had rearranged some items in her house, and he told us again, "She belongs to no one but me."  Nelson described this spirit as a tall man, and he was very macho.  He invited the spirit to speak to our group, but the spirit replied, "I am not in a good mood to talk to her now," and he also insisted that he would not speak through Nelson because "you are a little man, while I am tall and handsome."

Jackie confirmed that she was often attracted to this type of man. This spirit has been around Jackie for a very long time - since 1974 - and he has been very careful to remain hidden. His obsession with Jackie was now starting to take over, and he is determined to come between (and remove) any other man in Jackie's life. He often hugged her tightly, leaving Jackie breathless from his close grasp. He promised to come back and talk, but first he wanted Jackie to restore the house exactly as it was before the roommate moved in. He was especially interested in having an item about the size of a coin returned to a specific corner of a dresser. Jackie was not sure what this item was, but she said she would try to appease him. Two spirit guides were with this man, and they told him that it was time to go away from Jackie's house.  The guides explained that he was making Jackie sick from his excessive hugging that constricted the air she breathed. The spirit decided to stay in Astrid's house until another session, but he was still determined to be with Jackie. The spirit guides reasoned with him, telling him that Jackie could not spiritually cleanse her home, as long as there was still baggage from him that only he could remove. Gloria advised Jackie that this spirit and his obsessive love may have seemed lighthearted to our table (there was some laughter and wonderment), but this spirit was troubled, and very serious.

(Read more about Spiritual Obsession: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsession_(Spiritism)

Spirit 8 (via Jackie): Jackie had a message for Gloria about the deceased neighbor she discovered in her complex. The body of this man had been removed, but his spirit was near his unit in the complex, waiting for Gloria. He explained, "I am sick, and I know that only she can help me."  He was waiting for Gloria to tell him what happened, as he was confused over his transition after his death. Gloria said she saw him pacing outside of her unit. The group recommended that Gloria not invite him into her unit, but it would be okay for her to go outside and tell him that he has died. This spirit was depressed because he died alone, and when his spiritual guides came for him, he chose not go with them because he was uncertain. He saw himself as he died, still in his apartment, waiting for someone to come and wake him up. He said, "It's very sad to die alone with no one, and it would have been nice to have someone there, just to hold my hand."  He was afraid and confused, and Gloria said that she would work to help him.  Jackie also had a message for Nelson regarding a building (Island Grand) where he and Jeff used to live: "When the walls come down, the spirits will wake up."

Jackie closed with a prayer.

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